• Ratings of the most comfortable countries to live in remain in demand due to the rapid growth in the number of people planning to move abroad. Advances in technology and communications, the desire for a better quality of life and cultural curiosity have pushed a rising number of people to migrate outside their home countries. Digital nomadism,...

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  • The Schengen area includes European countries, which have abolished border controls between each other to ensure free and unhindered movement for their citizens. As of 2024, the total area of the association exceeds 4.7 million km² and the total population is 448 million. The agreement was concluded in 1985 in the Luxembourg village of Schengen,...

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  • Every year the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank publish world statistics, based on which it is possible to make a top 10 richest country in the world. This indicator is calculated by dividing the total GDP by the number of inhabitants. The higher it is, the richer and more economically developed the country is considered to be...

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  • Moving to another country is a responsible decision that requires careful preparation and consideration of quality of life. One of the key aspects is financial. In this article, we will look at the best and most affordable countries in the world, where you can feel comfortable without spending all your savings. Many people consider relocating, but...

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