Spain Digital Nomad Visa

A quick and inexpensive way for remote workers and their families to obtain a residence permit in an EU country
Minimum salary for a Digital Nomad visa in Spain
from €2,646
Approval period
from 1 month
Validity period
from 12 months

Digital Nomad visa and residence permit in Spain

The Digital Nomad programme is a visa for remote workers in Spain who can fulfil their professional duties from anywhere in the world. This includes employees of companies based outside Spain, freelancers, and entrepreneurs with clients abroad. Candidates must have a university degree or have worked for at least 3 years in their current field of work. It is also necessary to prove a monthly income of two minimum salaries in Spain.

The spouse, children, and financially dependent relatives can get a Spain Digital Nomad visa at the same time as the applicant. To do this, it will be necessary to prove the availability of additional funds for their maintenance.

The remote work visa in Spain provides you with visa-free travel to the Schengen states but restricts working in the country. A Digital Nomad holder can only enter into a contract with a company from Spain if their earnings from this activity do not exceed 20% of their total income.

The Nomad visa in Spain is issued for 1 year with the possibility of renewal. After its expiration, it is possible to obtain a residence permit in Spain for another 2 years. To prolong it, it is necessary to stay on the territory of the country during the year for more than 183 days. If a foreign citizen is in Spain legally, they have the opportunity to immediately obtain a residence permit for 3 years as a digital nomad.

After residing in the country for 5 years with a residence permit, individuals become eligible to apply for permanent residence in Spain. After an additional 5 years, they can apply for Spanish citizenship.

Benefits of the Digital Nomad visa in Spain

Low income requirements

Fast processing

Maximum approval rate

Residence permits for the whole family

Visa-free entry to the Schengen area

Tax benefits

Affordable accommodation

Quality healthcare

Right of access to social insurance services

Free schooling

Access to the international banking system

EU citizenship after 10 years

High standard of living

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Conditions for obtaining a digital nomad visa to Spain

The applicant will be able to obtain a visa if he/she meets the Spain Digital Nomad visa requirements:

  • has a degree or diploma of higher education, or 3 years of work experience in his/her current speciality;
  • works officially as an employee, freelancer, or entrepreneur;
  • works for more than 3 months for a legal entity that has been operating in the market for at least 1 year;
  • earns a monthly income greater than or equal to 2 minimum wages in Spain;
  • confirms the absence of a criminal record.

If the applicant moves with his/her family, the requirements for the monthly income increase. The applicant must earn more than 75% of the Spanish minimum wage for the first relative and 25% for each subsequent relative.

Documents to obtain a Digital Nomad visa to Spain

The document package of a person who intends to apply for a Digital Nomad visa in Spain must contain:

  • 2 colour photographs that meet the requirements for visa photographs.
  • A visa application form completed in Spanish or English.
  • A valid passport.
  • Diploma or document of three years of professional experience.
  • Proof of remote work with foreign legal entities.
  • Financial documents to verify income.
  • Medical insurance policy.
  • Certificate of no criminal record for the last 2 years.

The process of obtaining a visa and Spain nomad residence

from 3 weeks

Requesting a foreigner identification number

Contact your nearest Spanish consulate to request a foreigner identification number. Your presence, a completed application form, and a valid passport will be required. The average time for issuing the number is approximately 2 weeks. You will receive it via the email address provided on the application form.
from 4 weeks

Preparing and submitting documents for Spain Digital Nomad visa application

Prepare the necessary documents. Have them translated into Spanish by an official translator and certified with an apostille. Make an appointment at the consulate, pay the visa fee, and submit the documents at the appointed time.
30 days

Visa approval

The consulate checks the submitted documents for 1 month and may request additional information. If approved, you will be notified that your visa is ready and you can pick it up.
up to 1 year

Moving to Spain on a visa and accommodation

Book your tickets and property in Spain. Make sure you have everything you need to move and live comfortably in this country. Once you arrive in the state, you need to register your place of residence at the local city hall.
60 days

Applying for a Spanish residence for digital nomad

Applying to the immigration office for a nomad residence in Spain is carried out electronically. The same documents will be required for the visa application. Once the application is approved, you need to submit biometrics to the police and wait for the production of the residence permit card.
after 5 years

Registration of residence permit and citizenship in Spain

After 5 years of immigration in Spain with a valid residence permit, provide proof of stable income, housing, and no criminal record. Apply to the local city hall for permanent residence. To obtain Spanish citizenship and passport, live in Spain for another 5 years and pass exams in the Spanish language and culture.

Objects in Spain with the right to obtain a visa

Taxes for Digital Nomads in Spain

Digital Nomad visa holders become tax residents of the state if they spend more than 183 days a year in the country. In this case, their income is taxed. The rate varies from 19% to 47% and depends on the level of income. However, during the first 6 years of residency, you can take advantage of the Beckham Law tax relief and pay a flat tax on income of 24%.

Costs of being a digital nomad in Spain

If a person plans to get a Spanish Nomad residence, he/she must be aware of associated costs such as:

  • Document translation services.
  • Health insurance policy.
  • Duty for the issuance of a foreigner identification number.
  • Consular fee.
  • Legal services and assistance with paperwork.
Name of item of expenditureCost in EUR
Translation of documents 50–200
Consular fee 80
Duty for issuing a foreigner's identification number 10
Health insurance policy (for one year) 700–900


What is a Digital Nomad visa to Spain?

It is a permit for foreign nationals to reside legally in the country and work remotely.

What is the duration of the Digital Nomad visa in Spain?

The Digital Nomad visa in Spain is initially valid for 12 months and can be extended.

How do I get a digital nomad visa in Spain?

You need to pay the visa fee, prepare the documents, and apply to the consulate where you live.

What does the Spanish Digital Nomad visa give?

You can apply for an extended residence permit, visit Schengen countries, and enjoy tax benefits.

What income is required to obtain a Digital Nomad visa in Spain?

An income greater than or equal to 2 minimum wages of this country is required. In 2024, the income must be at least €2,646.

Can one acquire a Spanish residence permit using a digital nomad visa?

The visa enables you to seek a residence permit for 2 years.

How much tax do I have to pay on a digital nomad visa in Spain?

After 183 days of residence in Spain, the digital nomad is automatically granted the status of a tax resident. From that point on, his/her income is taxed at a rate of 19% to 47%. He/she can also take advantage of a tax credit and pay taxes at a rate of 24%.

Is it possible to move with my family to Spain on a digital nomad visa?

Joint relocation with your spouse, children, and financially dependent relatives is available.

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