Residence permit in Serbia

A residence permit in Serbia for investment is an attractive option for moving to a European country with a warm climate and stable economy.
Duration of processing
2 months
Time of validity
from 1 year

Residence permit in Serbia for investment in the economy

A residence permit for real estate investments in Serbia is a popular option among foreign investors. This is due to the relatively simple conditions and the absence of strict requirements for the minimum value of housing. Foreigners are allowed to buy objects in the republic if its citizens can do the same in their country, which ensures the principle of reciprocity.

To get a visa, you must buy a residential property: a flat, house, villa, etc. Such types of residence permit in Serbia are valid for 1 year. To extend it, you must stay in the republic for at least 183 days a year and remain the property owner.

The cost of residence permit in Serbia does not include the minimum price of a flat or house, making this process affordable for many investors. However, additional costs, including notary services, registration fees, and health insurance, must be considered.

The benefits of Serbia residence permit

No minimum amount to invest

Visa-free entry and exit

Immigration to Serbia with family

Possibility to rent out accommodation

Simple process of residence permit renewal

Eligibility for permanent residence and citizenship

No need to reside in the republic permanently

Low cost of living

Favourable tax regime

Convenient geographical location

Developed infrastructure

Access to education and healthcare

Warm climate

Visa-free travel with countries


Conditions to get a residence permit in Serbia

To obtain a permanent resident card in Serbia, the applicant needs to:

  1. Be over 18 years of age.
  2. Buy a residential property.
  3. Be a citizen of a country that respects the principle of reciprocity.
  4. Prove their financial solvency.
  5. Obtain health insurance.
  6. Register their place of residence.

Documents to obtain a residence permit in Serbia

You can apply for a Serbian residence permit by submitting:

  • Application form.
  • Passport or identity card.
  • Photographs.
  • Documents that prove the ownership of housing.
  • Proof of funds.
  • Health insurance.
  • A receipt with the payment of the administrative fee.

Procedure and timeframe for obtaining the Serbian residence permit

7-10 days

Choosing and buying a property

At the beginning, explore the advertisements and choose the best option. Citizenship-By.Investments specialists will help you prepare the documents and sign a contract to buy a home. This will ensure that the transaction is completed according to local laws.
7-10 days

Property registration

Register the property in the cadastral register. This confirms your ownership of the house or flat.
10-20 days

Preparing documents and submitting an application

To obtain an investor's residence permit in Serbia, submit an application and attach documents.
10-20 days

Review of the application and approval

During the review process, workers may ask for additional information and documents. If you receive a favourable response to your request, you can apply for a 1-year visa.
1 day

Obtaining a visa

After that, you can obtain a residence certificate in Serbia and have the right to extend it.

Registration of residence permit for family members

It is possible to move to Serbia with relatives. Holders of a temporary residence permit can include in the visa the closest family members, including:

  • Spouse.
  • Partner.
  • Unmarried children under 18.
  • Parents or adoptive parents.

To recap, documents may be submitted with the main applicant's application or during the validity of the visa. The duration of residence of relatives cannot exceed the duration of the residence permit of the Serbian investor. This ensures that all family members are considered, and the process is transparent and straightforward.

Renewal of residence permit and citizenship registration

Initially, the visa is issued for 1 year. Renewal of residence permit in Serbia is possible an unlimited number of times if the holder fulfils the conditions under which the document was issued. The resident must retain real estate ownership, submit documents on time, and lead a law-abiding lifestyle.

After 3 years with a residence permit, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. To be eligible, you need to be officially in the country. The process allows for flexibility, as you can be absent from the country repeatedly for up to 10 months during this period, or once for up to 6 months during 3 years.

You can apply for a Serbian passport and citizenship immediately after obtaining a residence permit. A Serbian passport allows you to live there with your family and travel to many European countries without a visa.


How to get residence permit in Serbia?

You must buy a house or a flat in the republic and apply for a visa.

What are the benefits of a residence permit in Serbia?

The main benefits include the right to live with your family, rent a house, and visa-free entry and exit to the state's territory. In the future, applying for permanent residence and citizenship is allowed.

How much is residence permit in Serbia?

The minimum price of housing is not set. Tax fees and state fees are among the additional costs.

What documents are required to obtain a residence permit in Serbia?

What is needed for a residence permit in Serbia: passport, housing documents, health insurance, receipts for payment of fees, proof of sufficient funds for living, address, and photos.

How long do I wait to get a residence permit in Serbia?

On average, the process takes 2 months.

How long is a residence permit in Serbia issued for?

For 1 year. How long can you leave Serbia with a residence permit? This term can reach half a year, as you have to live in the country for the rest of the time.

How to renew residence permit in Serbia?

You must remain a property owner to apply for an extension for another 1 year.

Can I apply for a residence permit in Serbia remotely?

It is allowed to apply for a visa from abroad via the Internet.

Is working in Serbia with a residence permit possible?

Yes, residents have this right.

How long do I live in Serbia to obtain citizenship?

It is necessary to live legally in the country for at least 3 years as a temporary resident to apply for permanent residence and later for citizenship.

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