Residence permit in Saudi Arabia by property investment

Minimum investment
SAR 4 million (USD 1.07 million)
Visa duration
from 1 year
Eligibility for citizenship
after 10 years

Investor’s residence permit in Saudi Arabia

An investor’s residence permit in Saudi Arabia is available when purchasing a residential property. To obtain this status, the following conditions must be met:

  • Ownership or usufruct of real estate worth at least SAR 4 million (USD 1.07 million). Usufruct is a temporary right to use and derive income from property owned by another person, without the right to sell or alter it;
  • No existing or future mortgage;
  • The property must be residential, not commercial, industrial, or agricultural;
  • The building must be constructed and not just a plot of land;
  • A valuation report issued by an expert accredited by Taqeem, the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers.

The duration of premium residency depends on the period of ownership or usufruct. If the owner decides to sell the property, they can replace it with another property of no less than the minimum value within 90 days. A grace period of 90 days is also granted to extend the usufruct or acquire a new property, which must be of equivalent or higher value. A permanent resident card in Saudi Arabia is not granted under this type of residency.

Benefits of a Saudi Arabia residence permit

The possibility to own and use real estate

Relocation with your family

Permission to work in the private sector

The right to engage in business

Investment in the country’s economy

Exemption from expatriate levies

Visa-free entry and exit from the country

The possibility to own various types of vehicles

The right to hire domestic staff under the same terms as citizens

Visas for visiting relatives

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tome and Principe
South Sudan
South Sudan

Requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Saudi Arabia

To obtain premium residency in Saudi Arabia, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be over 21 years of age;
  • Provide passports that are valid for at least 180 days from the date of application;
  • Have no criminal record;
  • Provide documentary proof of financial stability;
  • Obtain a medical certificate confirming the absence of infectious diseases;
  • Confirm legal residency in the country when applying within the Kingdom;
  • Arrange medical insurance and pay the fees within 30 days of application approval.

Types of a residence permit in Saudi Arabia

Visa duration

  • Limited

A temporary visa lasting from 1 to 5 years. Renewal of a residence permit in Saudi Arabia is possible for SAR 100,000 (USD 26,500) per year.

  • Unlimited

Permanent residency for an investment of SAR 800,000 (USD 213,000). Investors are immediately granted an unlimited residence permit.

Real estate owner residency

Foreigners can purchase a residential property that meets all the criteria. The cost of a residence permit in Saudi Arabia for purchasing property starts at SAR 4 million (USD 1.07 million).

Entrepreneur residency

Businesspersons must obtain a licence, and accredited organisations must transfer investments of SAR 400,000 (USD 106,500) or SAR 15 million (USD 4 million), depending on the visa category.

Investor residency

An investor’s residence certificate in Saudi Arabia is available for a minimum investment of SAR 7 million (USD 1.86 million) in various sectors of the economy. Additionally, at least 10 jobs must be created.

Special talent residency

Exceptional scientific and medical professionals, researchers, and executives can apply for premium residency. Requirements may include providing an employment contract specifying a minimum required salary, recommendation letters from employers, an advanced degree, and proof of work experience.

Gifted residency

This visa is offered to sports, cultural, and artistic talents who meet the selection criteria.

Documents to obtain a residence permit in Saudi Arabia

To apply for a residence permit in Saudi Arabia for investment in property, buyers must provide:

  • Passport;
  • Educational certificate;
  • Ownership documents;
  • Property valuation report issued by an accredited Taqeem valuer;
  • Bank statements for the last 12 months;
  • Personal SIMAH credit report, dated no more than 3 months before the application;
  • Documents of family members.

Process and timeline for obtaining a residence permit in Saudi Arabia

1-2 months

Purchase real estate

Buy a property that meets all the requirements for premium residency.

Confirm ownership

Obtain a title deed and a valuation report from accredited Taqeem valuers.
1 day

Submit application and attach documents

Create an account on the government portal. Fill in all the required information about yourself and your family members, answer the questionnaire, and attach scanned copies of the documents.
1 day

Pay the fee

Pay a fee of SAR 638 (USD 170) for processing the application.
2 months

Submit the application for review

Your application will be reviewed to ensure it meets the programme criteria. You may be asked to provide additional documents or clarifying information. If such a request is made, you must comply within 60 days; otherwise, the application will be cancelled.
1 month

Actions after approval and visa issuance

After approval, you have 30 days to pay the fee of SAR 4,000 (USD 1,060) and arrange medical insurance for yourself and your family members. A resident card will be issued afterwards.

Frequently asked questions

How to get a residence permit in Saudi Arabia?

To obtain residency, you must be a property owner, entrepreneur, investor, gifted individual, or exceptional professional.

Can I obtain a residence permit for my entire family?

Yes, premium residency is granted not only to the main applicant but also to their spouse, parents, and children under 25 years old.

What are the benefits of a residence permit in Saudi Arabia?

The visa allows you to move to the country with your family members, work, run your own business, own property, and enjoy other benefits.

Can I work in the Kingdom with a residence permit?

Yes, the visa grants this right.

How much is a residence permit in Saudi Arabia?

The cost varies depending on the type of residency. Property owners must pay at least SAR 4 million (USD 1.07 million) for housing, as well as fees of SAR 638 (USD 170) and SAR 4,000 (USD 1,060).

What documents are needed to obtain a residence permit in Saudi Arabia?

All types of visas require an educational certificate, medical insurance, proof of financial stability, and a passport. In Saudi Arabia, depending on the type of residency, the list may include property ownership documents, licences, contracts, recommendation letters, and more.

How long is the residence permit valid for?

The minimum validity period for the visa is 1 year, although a permanent residency option is also available. Contact our specialists to find out more about how to get permanent residency in Saudi Arabia.

How long can I stay outside Saudi Arabia with a residence permit?

This depends on the type of visa. Residency through property acquisition requires living in the Kingdom for at least 10 days during the first year and 5 days in subsequent years.

How to renew a residence permit in Saudi Arabia?

Premium residency with unlimited duration does not require renewal. For a visa with a limited validity period, you must pay SAR 100,000 (USD 26,600) for each year. Property owners do not need to renew the visa, as its validity depends on the duration of ownership or usufruct.

How long must I live in Saudi Arabia to obtain citizenship?

You can apply for a Saudi Arabia passport after 10 years of continuous residence in the Kingdom, but this is not the only requirement for obtaining citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Please note that there is no programme to obtain citizenship by investment in Saudi Arabia.

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