Monaco Golden Visa & residency programme

Get a residence permit in Monaco for immigration with your family, visa-free travel in Europe, and access to a favourable tax system.
Minimum investment
Processing time
from 3 months.
after 10 years.

Residence permit in Monaco for investment

For many decades, the Principality has retained its status as one of the most popular European destinations for the wealthy due to its favourable location, strong economy, low taxes, and high quality of life. Adult foreigners interested in immigrating to Monaco can obtain a golden visa by proving their financial solvency and the availability of residential real estate in the territory of the state.

How to confirm the availability of residential real estate in the country:

  • Acquire a residence worth €500,000 or more. A certificate of ownership must be included in the package of documents to participate in the programme.
  • Rent a property. In this case, you will need to provide a contract for 1 year or more.
  • Own the real estate of the company. Documentation confirming that the applicant is the owner or manager will be required.
  • Residency of relatives. The applicant may reside with family members who own real estate in the Principality.

To prove financial solvency, one of the following proofs must be provided:

  • A statement of a local bank account with €0.5–1 million.
  • An employment contract with a local company.
  • A document proving the existence of income from a company or independent commercial activity in the Principality (for legal persons).
  • A document proving financial support from a spouse.

The applicant first receives a Temporaire Temporary Card for 1 year, which is renewed annually for 3 years. Then a 3-year Ordinaire card is issued, which can also be renewed three times.

After 10 years of residence in the country, the foreigner and his/her family members can apply for a renewable 10-year Privilégié card, which is the closest equivalent to a residence permit in Monaco, or apply for a passport in Monaco.

Benefits of Monaco residence permit

Living on the Côte d'Azur

Fast processing

Visa-free entry to Schengen countries

Tax benefits

Access to the banking system

Residency for family members

Possibility of obtaining a Monaco passport

No charitable contributions required

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Monaco

The main conditions for obtaining a residence certificate in Monaco are:

  • Age: from 16 years old.
  • No criminal record.
  • Financial solvency.
  • Availability of housing in the territory of the state.

The application may include the investor's spouse, minor and financially dependent children.

Documents to obtain a residence permit in Monaco

The basic package of documents for applying for an investor’s residence permit in Monaco includes:

  • A completed application form with a photograph.
  • A certificate of ownership, rental contract, or proof of free accommodation signed by the person you are living with (they will also need to prove ownership or rental of the property).
  • A bank statement or other documents proving financial solvency.
  • Employment contract or other documents confirming that you have a legal source of income.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Passport.
  • A certificate of no criminal record.
  • Health insurance policy.
  • Receipts for payment of state fees and taxes.
  • Documents confirming fulfilment of investment conditions.

Procedure and deadlines for obtaining a Monaco residence permit

1 day


The analysis of personal and financial information allows you to identify potential reasons for refusal of an investor’s residence permit in Monaco and to address them in advance. This is an optional step, but it is recommended for participants in the programme to increase the chances of approval.
2 weeks

Document preparation

The investor must complete the application form and collect a list of required documents. Copies and translations must be notarized.
1 month

Submission of the application

The collected documentation should be sent to the Resident Relations Division of the Public Security Department. It will be reviewed within one month.
1 week

Interview in Monaco

The programme participant will be invited to a formal interview at the place of residence.
2 weeks

Obtaining a long-term visa

Applicants aged 16 and over must obtain a D visa from a French embassy or consulate. This stage can be skipped for French residents, citizens of the EU, EEA, and Swiss nationals.
1 month

Application approval

Each application is thoroughly checked by the authorized services. Successful applicants receive a letter of approval for the Monaco residency by investment.
8–20 weeks

Obtaining a residence card

EU nationals will be able to apply for a residence card within 8 weeks of receiving the approval letter, while for others the process can take 16–20 weeks.

Citizenship by investment in Monaco

Foreigners can apply for a permanent resident card in Monaco or a passport after 10 years of residence with the resident status. To qualify, they must stay in the state for a minimum of 183 days each year, as well as having close ties with local society and making a significant contribution to the economy.

Popular Questions

How much is a residence permit in Monaco?

The cost of a residence permit in Monaco may include a real estate investment of €500,000 or more and a deposit of €0.5–1 million in a local bank. It is also necessary to take into account associated costs such as government fees and taxes, translation fees, legal fees, etc.

How long does it take to obtain a Monaco residence permit?

It takes at least 3 months to obtain residency in exchange for investment.

For how long can I obtain a residence permit in Monaco?

The starting period of validity of a residence card is 1 year.

How to renew residence permit in Monaco?

For renewal of residence permit in Monaco the resident must confirm annually that he/she meets the conditions of the programme.

How to get a residence permit in Monaco?

What is required for a residence permit:

  • Absence of a criminal record.
  • Availability of housing in the Principality.
  • Financial self-sufficiency.
What does a residence permit in Monaco give?

The main advantages of economic residency:

  • The right to unlimited stay, work, business, and study.
  • Access to the banking system and preferential taxation.
  • The right to visa-free travel to Europe.
  • The possibility of obtaining resident status for close relatives.
  • The right to formalize citizenship after 10 years.
Can I apply for a Monaco residence permit remotely?

The preparation and submission of the documents can be done remotely, but you must be present in person to complete the process and receive the card.

What documents are required for a Monaco residence permit?

In addition to the application form, the programme participant must provide a list of personal and financial documents such as a passport and a local bank statement.

How long do I have to live in Monaco to obtain citizenship and how long can I stay outside Monaco with a residence permit?

To obtain a passport, a resident must live in the Principality for 10 years, for at least 183 days per year. This must be taken into account to understand how long you can leave Monaco with a residence permit.

Can I work with a residence permit?

Yes, residents of the Principality are entitled to formal employment.

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