Residence permit in Malaysia by investment

Obtaining a residence permit in Malaysia through investment in the economy provides a second home in a tropical seaside country
Investment amount
from MYR 1 million (USD 214,000)
Processing time
3–6 months
Validity period
20 years

Residence permit through investment in Malaysia

Malaysian residency for foreigners is available through the Malaysia Premium Visa Programme (PVIP). The programme aims to attract foreign investors by offering them the opportunity to reside in the country for 20 years. It is part of the country’s economic development strategy.

PVIP offers numerous opportunities for education, employment, investment, and business operations. Participants can include relatives in their application, including a spouse, biological and adopted children under 21, and parents, although this requires additional fees.

The applicant must open a fixed deposit account of MYR 1 million (USD 214,000) in a licenced Malaysian bank. Half of these funds can be withdrawn after a year for investment in real estate, children’s education, or medical treatment.

All candidates must have a stable income outside the country of at least MYR 40,000 (USD 8,500) per month or MYR 480,000 (USD 102,000) per year. Additionally, a one-time fee of MYR 200,000 (USD 43,000) for the main applicant and MYR 100,000 (USD 21,500) for each dependent must be paid. Fee amounts may vary depending on the current exchange rate, so it is advisable to check them before starting the residence permit application process.

The visa is valid for 20 years and can be renewed for another 20 years. After 10 years of residing in the country, the holder of the long-term visa can apply for Malaysian citizenship, but they will need to pass a language proficiency test and renounce their original citizenship.

Malaysia residence permit requirements

  • Investments in the economy: from USD 214,000.
  • Income of at least USD 8,500 per month outside the country.
  • No criminal record.
  • Good health.
  • Payment of additional fees (from USD 43,000).

Advantages of a Malaysia residence permit

Relocation to Malaysia

Residence permit for all family members

Access to education

Opening a bank account

Opportunity to run a business

Permission to work

Tax optimisation

No requirement for continuous residence

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Documents required for a Malaysia residence permit

The investor needs to provide the following documents:

  • Completed application form.
  • Copies of passports for all applicants.
  • Documents proving family relationships (marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates).
  • Certificate of good conduct from the country of residence.
  • Proof of financial stability: bank statements showing liquid assets.
  • Proof of overseas income of at least MYR 40,000 (USD 8,500) per month.
  • Health insurance policy.
  • Medical certificate.

Process of obtaining a Malaysia residence permit

1 month

Preliminary check

At the first stage, the potential investor must ensure they meet the programme requirements. This includes checking the personal background, financial stability, and the necessary income and assets. This check helps avoid rejections and ensures the successful completion of all procedures.
2 months

Document preparation

The necessary documents are listed above. After submission, the investor’s application will be reviewed, typically taking around 60 working days. If approved, the investor needs to fulfil the investment conditions.
1 day

Fulfilment of investment conditions

The investor must place a fixed deposit of MYR 1 million (USD 214,000) in a Malaysian bank. Half of the amount can be withdrawn after a year. The other half must remain in the bank for the duration of the residence permit.
1 day

Submission of documents for a residence permit

After meeting all conditions, the investor must travel to Malaysia to:

  • undergo a medical check-up;
  • submit proof of the fixed deposit.

It is important to ensure all documents are correctly completed and fully provided to prevent delays and rejection. Qualified legal assistance and migration service specialists can facilitate this process.

3-6 months

Obtaining the residence permit

The country’s authorities will thoroughly check all submitted information to verify the authenticity of the documents and information, as well as compliance with programme requirements. If the application is successfully reviewed, the investor and their family will receive a Malaysia temporary residence permit, opening up many opportunities for living and conducting business in the country.

Investor expenses in Malaysia

In addition to the basic investment outlined above, there are also costs associated with the preparation and submission of documents, including legal and consultancy fees. These expenses can vary depending on the chosen intermediary agency and the complexity of the document preparation.

Associated expenses:

Main ApplicantEach Dependent
Main investment amount MYR 1 million (USD 214,000)
Participation fee MYR 200,000 (USD 43,000) MYR 100,000 (USD 21,500)
Total From MYR 1.2 million (USD 257,000) From MYR 1.2 million (USD 257,000)

Countries whose citizens can obtain a residence permit in Malaysia

Citizens from various countries around the world can apply for a residence permit, including:

  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • United States of America
  • France

An exception is Israel, as Malaysia does not have diplomatic relations with this country.

Frequently asked questions

Which programmes offer a Malaysia residence permit by investment?

You can obtain a Malaysia business residence permit (investor visa) through the PVIP programme, which allows you to live and work in the country for 20 years.

What benefits does Malaysian residency through investment provide?

The PVIP programme allows foreigners to study, work, and conduct business in the country. It includes the possibility of sponsoring dependents and provides access to educational services.

What are the conditions in Malaysia, how to get a residence permit through investment?

To obtain residency, you need to open a deposit of USD 214,000 and make a one-time payment of USD 43,000.

How much is a residence permit in Malaysia?

The cost of residency directly depends on the number of dependents of the main applicant. The starting investment amount is USD 257,000 per person.

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