Residence permit in Luxembourg

Obtaining an investor's residence permit in Luxembourg means taking advantage of an attractive opportunity to live and work in one of the most prosperous and stable European countries.
Investment amount
from €500,000
Processing time
from 6 months
Residence permit validity term
3 years with renewal

Residence permit in Luxembourg for investment in local economy

Obtaining an investor's residence permit in Luxembourg means taking advantage of an attractive opportunity to live and work in one of the most prosperous and stable European countries. There are several programmes helping to move to Luxembourg in 2024, the most popular of which is investing significant funds in the country's economy. The minimum investment is €500,000. These funds can be used to set up a new business or buy shares in local companies. There is no investment in property. It is important to note that the government must approve investments and fulfil the established criteria.

The process must begin with an application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg. The application must include documents confirming the source and legality of the funds, as well as a business plan or investment project. After preliminary approval, the applicant must visit the country in person to complete the process.

One of the key advantages of getting a residence permit by investment is the right of free movement across Schengen countries. In fact, this European state offers a high quality of life, an excellent health care and education systems, and favourable conditions for doing business.

It's important to understand that the process may span several months. It is also crucial to realize that the investments should be long-term and reflect a commitment to the development of the country's economy. This responsibility is a key aspect of the investor's role.

Benefits of Luxembourg residence permit

Education and employment

Creating your own business

Tax incentives

Financial Independence Programme

Eligibility for family immigration

Simplified visas to Canada, USA, and Australia

Visa-free travel to Schengen countries

Health insurance

Opportunity for European education for children

The prospect of obtaining a second European passport

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Terms and conditions to get a residence permit in Luxembourg

An investor must fulfil several vital conditions. The minimum investment amount is €500,000, which can be used to set up a new business and purchase shares in local companies or securities. The investor must provide documents confirming the legality of the funds and a business plan. They also need to obtain approval from the government and visit the country in person to finalize the process, so you will need an entry visa.

Types of residence permit in Luxembourg

There are several types of residence permits, each of which is intended for different categories of applicants:

  1. Residence permit for employment: intended for foreign nationals who have received a job offer from a Luxembourg employer;
  2. Student residence permit: granted to international students enrolled in accredited educational institutions;
  3. Residence permit for family reunification: intended for family members of Luxembourg citizens or foreigners who are already residing in Luxembourg;
  4. Residence permit for entrepreneurs and self-employed: issued to persons planning to start their own business or work as self-employed;
  5. Residence permit for investment in the economy. This type of residence permit is intended for foreign investors who are ready to invest significant funds (at least €500,000) in the country's economy by creating a new business or purchasing shares in local companies. The residence permit applicant for must provide documents confirming the legality of the origin of funds and a business plan. After preliminary approval by the government, the investor must visit the country in person to finalize the process.

Documents to obtain a residence permit in Luxembourg

To apply for and participate in the investment programme, the investor needs to provide the following documents:

  1. An international passport;
  2. Completed application form;
  3. Passport format photos;
  4. Confirmation of the legality of funds;
  5. Business plan;
  6. Proof of investment (the cost of residence permit in Luxembourg is €500,000);
  7. Medical insurance and report confirming the absence of dangerous diseases;
  8. Certificate of no criminal record.

Procedure and terms for obtaining a Luxembourg residence permit

1 month

Choosing the reason for relocation. It is required to collect relevant supporting documents

The first step on the way to immigration to Luxembourg is to choose a reason to move. The reasons may be different: work, education, family reunification, investment, etc. Depending on the selected reason, it is necessary to collect the relevant supporting documents. For example, for labour migration, you will need an employment contract and proof of qualification; for studies, you will need an invitation from an educational institution and evidence of financial solvency; for investments, you will need confirmation of the legality of funds and proof of the required amount. It is essential to prepare all documents carefully, as an incomplete or incorrect set of documents may result in the refusal to issue a residence permit.
From 3 to 6 months

Submission of the application. The application is submitted to the Luxembourg Consulate in the applicant's country of residence

Once all the necessary documents have been collected, the next step is to apply for a permanent resident card in Luxembourg. The documents are submitted to the Luxembourg consulate in the applicant's country of residence. It is important to note that the application must be submitted in person and accompanied by all the necessary forms. The consulate verifies the documents' authenticity and compliance with the requirements. The application process can take 3 to 6 months, depending on the consulate's workload and the case's complexity.
Up to 1 week

Obtaining a national entry visa. This is required if the application is approved

A national entry visa is issued for the applicant if the application is approved. The applicant can visit the country to process the residence permit further. It is important to note that the national visa is valid for a limited period, usually up to 90 days, during which all procedures must be completed.
From a few weeks to a few months

Visit to the local immigration office. Submission of application and documents for residence permit

After arriving in the country, it is necessary to visit the local immigration office to apply for a residence permit. At this stage, all the submitted documents are checked, and a representative of the immigration service interviews the applicant. It is essential to provide original documents and their copies, and fill in all the necessary forms. The application process at this stage can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the case's complexity and the office's workload.
Up to a few weeks

Passing biometric parameters and receiving a plastic card as proof of residency status

The final stage is to submit biometric parameters (fingerprints and photographs) and receive a plastic card certifying the resident status. Biometric data are necessary for the security and identification of residents. After passing the biometrics, a plastic card is produced within a few weeks and issued to the applicant. The applicant must always carry this card with themselves as it is the main proof of their residency. The card's validity is usually 3 years (for investors). But there’s a possibility for renewal of residence permit in Luxembourg after the expiry.

Citizenship in Luxembourg

A passport in Luxembourg can be obtained through naturalization after living in the country legally for 5 years. The last year must be spent in the country without leaving the country. A Luxembourg passport is also granted by birth, marriage, study, or refugee status. In any of the cases, knowledge of the local language is required: the applicant for citizenship by investment in Luxembourg will have to pass a test.


How much is residence permit in Luxembourg?

The cost includes a consular fee of about €80 and additional costs for the collection and translation of documents. The investment starts at €500,000.

How long do I have to wait to obtain a residence permit in Luxembourg?

The process takes between 3 and 6 months, depending on the consulate's workload and the complexity of the case.

How long is a residence permit in Luxembourg valid for?

Issued for 3 years under the investment programme and 1 year for other reasons, renewable.

How to renew residence permit in Luxembourg?

To renew your residence permit, you must apply to the local immigration office a few months before the expiry of your current document, providing proof of continued status (work, study, investment, or business).

How to get residence permit in Luxembourg?

It is necessary to choose the reason for relocation, collect the relevant documents, apply to the consulate, and go through all the processing steps.

What can residence permit in Luxembourg give?

The document gives the right for legal residence, work, study, and access to social services in the country, visa-free travel to Schengen states, the possibility of immigration for the family, and a simplified visa to Canada, the USA, and Australia.

Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Luxembourg remotely?

You can start the process remotely, but applying and submitting biometrics requires your personal presence.

What documents do I need for a residence permit in Luxembourg?

It depends on the chosen reason for relocation. The necessary documents include a passport, proof of the reason for relocation (employment contract, an invitation to study, etc.), medical insurance and report, financial documents, and a certificate of no criminal record.

How long do I have to live in Luxembourg to get citizenship?

You must have lived in the country legally for 5 to 7 years to obtain citizenship.

Is it possible to work in Luxembourg with a residence permit?

Yes, you will be able to work legally in the country.

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