Residence permit in Jersey

Amount of investment
Application period
from 2 months
Validity period
3 years

Jersey residence permit for investments in the economy and real estate

The investor's residence permit in Jersey is an opportunity to move to an island located in the English Channel. The territory is not part of the UK, although it provides its residents with visa-free travel to the United Kingdom. The island is known not only for its picturesque scenery and mild maritime climate but also for its favorable tax system, making it an ideal location for business people. Investing in Jersey real estate allows you not only to obtain a residence permit but later to apply for citizenship.

Requirements for obtaining any types of residence permit in Jersey:

  • The minimum annual tax contribution must be at least £250,000.
  • The applicant must have a stable income of at least £1,250,000 per year.
  • Active participation in the social and economic life of the island, such as volunteering or funding education and sports projects, contributing to cultural development and talent support, creating jobs or providing training for the local community.

When applicants get a residence permit in Jersey, they must rent or purchase a property worth at least £1.75 million, which is approved by the Population Records Office. In the case of renting, it is mandatory for the holder of a residence permit to purchase their own home no later than two years from the date of the documents. Its cost must not be lower than the amount specified as a condition of participation in the residence permit programme.

Benefits of Jersey residence permit

Opportunity to obtain a British passport

Immigration to Jersey with family

Visa-free entry to the UK and Ireland

Living in the region with quick access to Europe

Business support

High standard of living

Quality healthcare and education

Tax benefits

Opening a bank account

Possibility to obtain a driver's license

Visa-free travel with countries

North Korea
North Korea

Requirements and conditions to get residence certificate in Jersey

In order to obtain a permanent resident card in Jersey, investors must meet a number of financial and social requirements:

  • They must pay annual taxes of at least £250,000.
  • Annual income must be between £1,250,000 and £1,250,000.
  • Having no criminal record and reaching the age of majority is another mandatory point for those planning a move to Jersey.

Successful applicants are required to obtain a social security number and registration card, which entitles them to long-term residency on the island.

Jersey investment programme

Programme conditions

Compliance with the material programme conditions mentioned above is not a guarantee of application approval. Active involvement in the community life of the island is also required, including funding projects in education or sport, volunteering or creating jobs for the local community. Applicants must also purchase or rent a property valued at £1.75 million or more in the case of an apartment. The price of a house must exceed £3.5 million. To support the local community, those planning a permanent move to Jersey can contribute to local cultural or educational initiatives, thus contributing to the overall development of the region. In addition, investors need to prove they are financially stable and have sufficient funds to support themselves and relatives without the right to work for other family members.

Procedure and timeframe for obtaining a Jersey residence permit

1 month

Eligibility Check

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Jersey begins with a thorough eligibility check. Investors must prove financial stability, sufficient annual income, and active participation in the social life of the island.

1 month

Document Collection

The most important step is gathering the necessary documents to obtain a residence permit in Jersey, including proof of financial capability, criminal records, proof of investment in the island's economy, and purchase or lease of real estate.
2-4 weeks

Applying for residence

To apply for a residence permit, an application must be made through the local migration authorities. The candidate is required to submit all documents in person and complete the necessary forms for further assessment. The application processing time is only 2–4 weeks.
1 day

Buy or rent residential property

To meet the conditions of the programme, the investor must buy or rent a property on the island. The minimum cost of residence permit in Jersey for the purchase of a property is £1.75 million.

Renewal of residence permit in Jersey

A residence permit is initially granted for 3 years with the possibility of further extension. To extend a residence permit, it is necessary to prove that you meet all the initial requirements, including financial stability and property ownership.

Processing times may vary, but the process usually takes between 2 and 4 months, depending on the completeness and accuracy of the documents submitted. Successfully obtained residence permit opens up opportunities for long-term residence on the island, access to local educational and medical facilities, as well as the right to more easily obtain visas to other countries.

UK Citizenship

Those planning to obtain a residence permit can later apply for citizenship in Jersey. To do so, you must live on the island for 5 years, obtain permanent residency status and after a year submit the necessary documents to apply for a passport in Jersey.

Popular Questions

How much does it cost to get a residence permit in Jersey?

To get it you need to invest at least £1.75 million in property and be prepared to pay annual tax starting at £250,000.

How long do I have to wait to get a residence permit in Jersey?

The application process takes from 2 months.

How long is a residence permit in Jersey?

A residence permit is valid for 3 years.

How can I extend my Jersey residence permit?

To do so, you must maintain all conditions of eligibility for the current programme.

How to obtain a residence permit in Jersey?

To obtain it, you must prove financial solvency, have a property and pay taxes of £250,000 or more per year.

What does a residence permit in Jersey give you?

A residence permit allows you to find a "reserve airfield" in an economically developed country, as well as obtain visa-free entry to a number of key countries around the world.

Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Jersey remotely?

A personal presence is usually required to obtain a residence permit. Investors and others not only need to apply to the relevant authorities, but also usually need to be interviewed by the migration authorities. This process involves providing biometric data such as fingerprints, which cannot be done remotely.

What documents do I need to obtain a residence permit in Jersey?

What is needed for a residence permit in Jersey:

  • A certificate of no criminal record;
  • A copy of your passport;
  • Application form;
  • Marriage certificate and documents for children, if any;
  • Documents proving financial solvency, including documents on acquired property.
How long do I have to live in Jersey to become a British citizen?

You need to live on the island for at least 5 years, retaining ownership of immovable property. It is important to consider how far you can leave Jersey with a residence permit. To qualify for citizenship by investment in Jersey, you need to live on the island for at least 185 days a year.

Can I work in Jersey with a residence permit?

It is possible to work on the island with a residence permit, but you must be licensed to do so.

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