Italy residence permit by investment

Residence permit in Italy lets you live and work in a European country and move to Italy and freely within the EU without a visa.

a minimum
of €250,000 must be invested
time to process
up to 4 months
how to become a citizen
after 10 years

Residence permit programmes for investment in Italy

The Investor Visa for Italy program, which has been in place since 2017, lets people earn money and live in Italy while they do so. People from non-EU countries can get a residence permit through this scheme if they invest in the Italian economy.

When it comes to getting residence permit for investment in Italy, conditions state that the least amount that can be invested is €250,000. They must be saved to keep the residence permit valid for the full 5 years.

Investors may find themselves challenged by tests of Italian and history, which can be seen as opportunities for personal growth. Permanent living in the country is not a requirement if the person has no plans to become a citizen.

People who want to live in the country can apply for residence permits for their partner, minor children, financially dependent children of any age who are unmarried, and parents of both spouses.

After living in Italy for 10 years, the owner and their family can apply for the passport. This document will allow them to enter 190 countries without a visa, including all Schengen states, Australia, the UK, the USA, and Canada.

Italy residence permit requirements

The investor has to put their money into one of these areas of the country's economy:

  • start-ups with new ideas: from €250,000
  • local businesses: from €500,000
  • charitable foundations: from €1 million
  • government bonds: from €2 million

Advantages of Italian residence permit

Way of moving to Italy as a family

Visa-free access to any countries within Schengen

Opening an account in an Italian bank

The right to work and do business

Obtaining a local driving licence

Access to quality healthcare

Prestigious education for children

Preferential taxation system

Way of obtaining citizenship

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Italy residence permit documents

To become a resident of Italy for business purposes, you need to get a Nulla Osta, a certificate that says there are no problems. Please send the following set of documents:

  • A filled-out application form that can be found on the website of the Ministry of Interior or at an embassy or consulate of Italy in the country.
  • The applicant's CV should show what they have learned and worked on.
  • A statement of promise that says how much they are willing to invest.
  • You and your family must have legal passports with copies of every page.
  • Photos (usually 2 to 4 pieces) that meet the consulate's needs.
  • Proof that you can pay your bills (pay stubs or tax returns).
  • A form showing that the person does not have a crime record (from their home country). They are needed for all adults in the family.
  • Health insurance plan (for everyone who applies).
  • A marriage record for the other person.
  • Birth papers (for kids).
  • Parents and children over 18 must show proof that they are financially dependent.

Once the application gets the Nulla Osta, they will need to send a copy along with some other papers that we will discuss below.

How to get residence permit in Italy

1 month


Before getting a residence permit, you should do a quick check. You must meet all the requirements, such as having a legal passport, enough money to live in the country, and good records. Also, learn about the different kinds of residence permits to pick the right one when you need one.
1 month

Documents preparation

Once the preliminary check is done, you need to start getting all the papers you need ready. Their list may be different depending on the type of residence pass you want to get.
30 days

Obtaining Nulla Osta

The official portal for Italian business visas gives out the certificate. The applicant or someone acting on their behalf sends in the necessary paperwork. Within 30 days, the application will be looked at.
within 6 months

Submission of documents for an investor visa

To get a 2-year investor visa, you must go to your country's Italian consulate or office within 6 months of getting the Nulla Osta. Ensure you carefully fill out all the forms and send in all the necessary paperwork. They need a "Nulla Osta" licence, a contract to buy or rent a home in Italy, and proof that you made more than €8,500 last year.

Once that is done, the consulate checks the papers of the investor and their family. The longest time for verification is 120 days, but most visas are accepted in 10 to 20 days. The applicant's email address gets the answer.

within 2 years of validity of the investor visa

Visiting Italy and meeting the requirements for investing

The person who gets the investment visa has to enter Italy within 2 years. He has to give the documents for the residence pass to the Migration Service (Questura) within 8 days of getting into the country. Within 3 months, it’s necessary to either invest the money or give it to charity, based on your choice. Upload the papers that prove you meet the investment requirements to the program website.
a few weeks

Getting residence permit

The application review process starts as soon as the application is sent in. Italy residence permit processing time could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, based on how busy the migration services are and how complicated the case is. For those wondering how long it takes to get residence permit in Italy, there are no exact answers, each case is reviewed separately. If more questions arise, the investor has 30 days to send in the required paperwork.

Once the application is approved, the investor gets a residence permit. At first, it's issued for 2 years, but there’s an option for Italy residence permit renewal for another 3 years. After that, the investor can get a permanent residence permit.

Investor expenses in Italy: minimum amount of €250,000

There are several ways for investors to put money into the local economy, and they are all as follows:

  1. giving money to new businesses. The least amount that can be invested is €250,000. You can choose this option if you want to help innovative projects in the country and join the growing startup community simultaneously
  2. acquiring stock in local businesses, with a minimum investment of €500,000, not only supports local businesses but also offers potential returns on your investment
  3. help with science, art, and charitable organisations. At least 1 million euros will help the country's cultural and scientific prospects grow. This is a good way for financially stable people to get a residence permit. Those who want to make a difference in Italy's public life can get it there
  4. purchase of government notes. Here, you can spend as little as 2 million euros. This choice is a safer way to pay because it comes with guarantees from the Italian government. This gives investors a lot of peace of mind.

It should be noted that for registration of an Italian residence permit, real estate is unsuitable as an investment option.

The table below presents the most viable investment options, providing a clear overview to guide your decision-making process.

Investment typeMinimum investment amount on the part of the investor
Supporting innovative projects (startups) that contribute to the country's prosperity 250 000 €
Participating in local companies by investing in their shares and developing their production or businesses 500 000 €
Charitable activities for the benefit of the country €1 mln
Purchase of government bonds to support the local economy €2 mln

Countries whose citizens can obtain Italian residence permit

Citizens of any country can obtain a residence permit, including:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • India
  • China
  • Russia


What is the Investor Visa programme in Italy and how to get Italy residence permit under it?

Foreigners can get a residence pass through the program if they invest in the economy or business of the country. The least amount that can be invested is €250,000.

What are the pros of investing in Italy to get a residence permit?

The pros include the chance to live and work in a developed country and the freedom to move around in the Schengen area, as well as the right to become a citizen.

What kinds of investments are allowed for a residence permit?

You can get residency by investing in new businesses or government bonds for charity.

If I invest in real estate, is it possible to get a residence permit?

Right now, obtaining a residence permit through the purchase of housing in Italy is impossible. However, having a home will be taken into account positively when the application is received.

Can I get a permission to live in Italy if I invest in a business?

Yes, if you put at least €250,000 into a new, creative business, you can do it.

How long does the process take to get a residence card by investing?

It might take 4 months to a year. This depends on things like how busy the migration service is, how well the papers are filled out, and so on.

How much does it cost to get residence permit in Italy through investments?

For each choice, the cost of the Italian residence permit scheme will be different. For instance, if you want to make a gift to a good cause, you will need at least €1 million.

What tax perks are there for people who invested their way into an Italian residence permit?

The investor can move to the country and pay a flat tax of €100,000 a year on all of their income for 15 years. The investor's close family members can also use this scheme, but they have to pay a tax of €25,000 per year.

If I have an Italian residence permit, how do I get citizenship?

You must have lived in the country for at least 10 years, with at least 5 years of that time being spent with a residence permit and another 5 years being spent with a permanent residence permit.

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