Residence permit in Hong Kong

Obtaining a residence permit for relocation to Hong Kong, a leading metropolis and global financial centre with a high standard of living
Minimum investment
HKD 30 million (USD 3.9 million)
Registration period
Up to 12 months
Entitlement to permanent residence
After 7 years

Residence permit for investment in Hong Kong: Conditions and requirements

Age of majority

No criminal record

Possession of net assets of not less than HKD 30 million

Investment of HKD 30 million or more

Maintain investment for 7 years

What documents are required to obtain a residence permit in Hong Kong

Hong Kong residence permit requirements include providing the following documents:

  • A valid entry document
  • A recent photograph
  • Hong Kong identity card (if available)
  • A document proving that the net worth requirements have been met
  • A document confirming that investment requirements have been met
  • Criminal record certificate (a document issued more than 6 months before the date of application will not be accepted)

If a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation by a sworn, court, certified, expert, official or authorised public translator.

At all stages of the programme, government agencies may request additional documents from the principal or dependent applicant as necessary for eligibility analysis. If applicants refuse to provide the required paperwork, they will lose their eligibility for residency.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Hong Kong

1 month

Net worth verification

Before submitting a request to participate in the programme, an investor must contact the New CIES office for a preliminary verification of financial solvency. A certified public accountant must be engaged (at the investor’s own expense) to confirm that the requirements are met and both the application and net worth assessment documents must be submitted.

A maximum of 14 days may elapse between the issuance date of the certificate of compliance and the submission date of the application for net worth assessment. After verification, the office will issue a certification to the applicant and notify the Director of Immigration (DoI) of the result.

up to 3 months

Filing an application

An applicant for resident status must apply for the DoI programme within the validity period of the supporting document. Once approved, they will receive a visa/permit to enter the administrative area for up to 180 days to complete the planned investment.

up to 6 months

Fulfillment of investment conditions

Eligible investment assets for participation in the programme include:

  • Equities
  • Debt securities
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Subordinated debt
  • Collective investment schemes
  • Shares in limited liability partnership funds.

After investing, the applicant must contact the New CIES office. The office will verify that the conditions have been met and send the results to the DoI. The applicant will then receive a supporting document, which must be submitted to the Ministry of Interior. The government agency will review the application for the issuance of a residence permit.

up to 3 months

Obtaining a residence permit

Once the DoI is satisfied that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria of the programme, residency status will be granted. The residence permit is issued to the principal applicant and their dependents, if any. The document is valid for up to 24 months, provided that the investor continues to meet the programme requirements during this period.

Renewal of residence permit and obtaining a residence permit

After the initial 24-month period, before applying for a residence permit extension, the resident must contact the New CIES office to verify that the portfolio management requirements have been met. Upon receiving the verification document, a request for renewal of the residence permit must be submitted to the DoI.

The validity of the residence permits is up to three years and can be renewed under a similar scheme.

After seven years of continuous residence in the administrative district, residents may apply for citizenship, provided the investment requirements are met. The Hong Kong passport is available only to Chinese citizens.

Countries whose citizens can obtain a residence permit in Hong Kong

Citizens of almost all countries can apply for economic residency in Hong Kong. The ban applies only to citizens of Afghanistan, Cuba and North Korea.

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Popular Questions

What opportunities does the Hong Kong residence permit offer through investment?

The main advantages of a residence permit in the administrative district are:

  • Employment and business opportunities;
  • Possibility of obtaining citizenship after seven years of residence;
  • Access to a favorable tax system with low rates and no capital gains tax.
What types of investments qualify for a Hong Kong residence permit?

To obtain a residence permit for investment in Hong Kong, you must meet the conditions regarding eligible asset options. Shares, debt securities, certificates of deposit, subordinated debt, collective investment schemes and limited liability partnership fund interests are eligible.

What is the process of moving to Hong Kong: how to get a residence permit?

The procedure for obtaining economic resident status involves several steps:

  • Verification of net assets at the New CIES office. How much does it cost to obtain a residence permit in Hong Kong? The minimum investment amount is HKD 30 million;
  • Applying for the programme
  • Investing in the selected asset
  • Obtaining a residence permit
How long does it take to obtain a residence permit in Hong Kong through investment?

It takes up to 12 months to obtain residency in exchange for investment.

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