Residence permit in Costa Rica by investment

How to get a residence permit in Costa Rica to move to Central America with your family, start a business and apply for second citizenship
Minimum investment
USD 150,000
Application processing time
9-12 months
Card validity period
2 years.

Costa Rica residence permit: Requirements and conditions

Investment in the republic from USD 150,000

Age of majority

No criminal record

Monthly income exceeding USD 2,500

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

What documents are required to obtain a Costa Rican residence permit

When applying for a resident card, the foreigner will need to provide the following documents:

  • Birth certificate
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • Marriage certificate
  • Confirmation of fingerprint entry into the database
  • Original and certified copy of the entire passport (together with blank pages)
  • Two passport-sized photographs with a white background
  • Receipt for payment of registration fees
  • Document of registration at the consulate located in the country of residence
  • Document with a detailed description of the investment
  • Documents confirming the fulfilment of the programme’s conditions
  • Power of attorney (if a third person will handle the residence permit)

Copies of documents must be certified by the local consulate or legalised with an apostille.

Process of obtaining a Costa Rican residence permit

1 day


Applicants who wish to minimise the likelihood of rejection are advised to apply for a pre-screening. At this stage, the investor's entire personal and financial history will be analysed. In some cases, they may be advised to provide additional documents or to switch to a more suitable programme.
1-3 months

Fulfillment of investment conditions

To participate in the program, foreigners can invest in real estate, corporate securities or the stock market of the country. The minimum investment threshold for local assets is USD 150,000.
from 1 day

Preparation and submission of documents

The applicant must collect and certify all necessary documentation, including proof of investment. This documentation will be sent to the Immigration Department and a response from the government agency will be received within a year.
up to 1 year

Obtaining and extending a residence permit

Once the department approves the application, the foreigner must register for social security within 90 days. They will receive a resident card valid for two years, which is renewable for a similar period. The main conditions for maintaining the residence card include keeping the investments made under the programme and residing in the country for 90 days or more per year.

Registration of residence permit or citizenship

After two years of residing in the republic, foreigners can apply for a temporary residence permit in Costa Rica. Unlike the 2-year visa, this permit grants the right to official employment. After seven years of residing in the country, residents can apply for citizenship while retaining their original citizenship.

Investor’s costs in Costa Rica

Previously, the minimum investment to participate in the programme was USD 200,000, but it was temporarily lowered to USD 150,000 during the pandemic. The timeline for raising the threshold again back to its previous level is currently unknown.

Costs for Costa Rican investors vary on a case-by-case basis. For example, the dividend tax is 5%, the real estate tax is 0.25% and the corporate income tax is 30%.

You also need to consider the associated costs of applying for the card, such as government fees, document translation, fingerprinting, etc.

Countries whose citizens can obtain a residence permit in Costa Rica

Citizens of any country can apply for Costa Rican residency. There are no nationality restrictions for participation in the programme at the official level.

Popular Questions

What is the programme for obtaining a residence permit through investment in Costa Rica?

It’s a programme that allows foreigners to obtain the right to reside in the republic for two years, with the possibility of extension. Local authorities launched it to strengthen the economy by attracting foreign investment.

What types of investments qualify for a residence permit in Costa Rica?

Applicants for a residence permit can invest in real estate, corporate securities or the state's stock market.

What is the minimum investment required to participate in the programme?

The main question investors ask in Costa Rica: how to get a residence permit and what it costs. The Republic requires a relatively modest financial investment. To participate in the programme, foreigners must invest a minimum of USD 150,000 in the local economy.

What advantages do investors receive when participating in the programme of residence permit in Costa Rica?

What does residency status in the Republic provide?

  • The right to unlimited stay
  • Access to health care and education systems
  • The opportunity to apply for permanent residence or citizenship
  • The possibility to include a spouse, minor children and unmarried children under the age of 25 who do not have children of their own not married in the application
How do I apply for the program?

The application must be submitted to the Immigration Department along with a list of required documents. Processing typically takes 9 to 12 months.

What features and tips should I consider when applying?

Things to consider:

  • How much a residence permit in Costa Rica costse., the minimum investment threshold, which could revert to the previous amount (USD 200,000) at any time
  • To maintain residency status in the country, you must spend at least 90 days a year in the country and keep up your investments
  • Obtaining a residence permit does not automatically register you as a tax resident. To achieve tax residency,  you need to stay in the country for at least six months

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