Residence permit in America

Secure a visa through real estate purchases, business development, or economic investments
Minimum investment
Processing time
From 15 days
Visa duration
From 3 months

All Programs

39 months
Cost $ 54 000
Get a residence permit in Canada to become a resident of a country with a strong economy and high business potential.
From 15 days to 6 months
Cost $ 100 000
The E-2 investor visa in the USA offers an opportunity to relocate and implement ambitious business plans in a country with one of the world’s strongest economies.
from 18 months
Cost $ 800 000
Obtaining an EB-5 golden visa to the USA is one of the simplest ways to relocate to the country with your entire family.
9-12 months
Cost $ 150 000
How to get a residence permit in Costa Rica to move to Central America with your family, start a business and apply for second citizenship
from 1 month
Cost $ 100 000
Foreign investors are granted a promising opportunity to secure a permanent residence for real estate investments in Panama
from 2 months
Cost $ 1 600
An investor’s residence permit in Argentina is a beneficial solution to enter a new market and pursue ambitious plans.
from 4 months
Cost $ 129 000
The VIPER programme, also known as the Golden Visa, is a sought-after way to get a residence permit in Brazil.

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