Residency by investment programmes

Residence by investment allows individuals to legally relocate to another country by investing a substantial amount of funds into various sectors of its economy.
Investment Amount
from $100,000
Processing Time
from 15–30 days
Return on Investment
from 5 years


from 6 months
Cost $ 100 000
Get local passport to move all around the world
from 2 months
Cost € 250 000
Hungary golden visa is a favorable option for family relocation and visa-free travelling in the EU countries
from 3 months
Cost € 3 000
Residency for digital nomads means moving to a safe country with low taxes and visa-free travel across EU
from 10 working days
Cost € 3 500
Relocation to the EU country and quick residence permit for professionals working remotely and their families
4 months
Cost € 250 000
Golden Visa of Greece through investments in steadily appreciating real estate
up to 6 months
Cost € 500 000
Golden visa to the European Union for investing in liquid property

North and South America

4-8 months
Cost $ 150 000
Foreigners can obtain Gold Grenada citizenship for unlimited residency, world travel and an E-2 visa in the US
from 6 months
Cost $ 200 000
Apply for citizenship to travel around the world and own holiday property on a beautiful island in the Caribbean Sea.
6 months
Cost $ 250 000
St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship significantly simplifies access to Schengen Area countries, as well as the process of obtaining the US B‑1/B‑2 visas
from 3 months
Cost $ 100 000
In St. Lucia, citizenship by investment can be obtained by investing in real estate, business, government fund, and bonds.
From 15 days to 6 months
Cost $ 100 000
The E-2 investor visa in the USA offers an opportunity to relocate and implement ambitious business plans in a country with one of the world’s strongest economies.
from 18 months
Cost $ 800 000
Obtaining an EB-5 golden visa to the USA is one of the simplest ways to relocate to the country with your entire family.

Middle East

from 2 months
Cost 750 000 AED
Residency through property purchase is an affordable opportunity for foreigners considering relocation to the UAE or seeking investment income.
from 1 to 3 months
Cost $ 200 000
A residence permit becomes available to foreign investors who invest in the country’s economy, including through the purchase of real estate.
6-8 months
Cost $ 400 000
Turkish citizenship through investment in appreciating real estate
from 3 months
Cost $ 300 000
Residence permit in Georgia is an opportunity to live and work in a dynamically developing country with a warm climate and inexpensive real estate
from 6 months
Cost $ 250 000
Get citizenship in Egypt for worldwide travel and new business prospects.
up to 3 months
Cost $ 750 000
Obtain a Jordanian Golden Passport for free travel to more than 50 countries, unlimited stay in the kingdom, and portfolio diversification

Oceania and Asia

Up to 3 months
Cost $ 123 000
Residency in Indonesia is an excellent option for long-term stays and conducting business in Bali and other regions of the country.
5 days
Cost $ 80
Limitless opportunities for business and development in the Land of Smiles
Cost $ 500 000
Dreaming of life in the Sunny Kingdom? The LTR visa is your ticket to this beautiful land! The long-term resident visa in Thailand opens a wide range of opportunities for foreigners who want to settle here for a long time
Cost $ 25 500
For business, traveling, and living in one of the most attractive countries in the world
27 months
Cost $ 1 690 000
An investor’s residence permit for Australia is an attractive option for those looking to invest in one of the most developed countries in the world.
Up to 12 months
Cost $ 3 900 000
Obtaining a residence permit for relocation to Hong Kong, a leading metropolis and global financial centre with a high standard of living


from 3 to 8 months
Cost $ 375 000
The residence in Mauritius when buying real estate is a programme that allows you to move to an island with a favourable climate and a high living standard
from 3 months
Cost $ 215 000
A residence certificate in Namibia is a promising choice for life and business.

Residency programmes around the world

Immigration through real estate investment is one of the most popular options, which will also provide a passive income. This method of obtaining a residence permit is offered in the UAE, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Hungary, the Caribbean countries, and other popular regions. Permanent residency by investment is immediately available in Malta and Cyprus.

Other options include visas for entrepreneurs, investors in the country’s economy and culture, financially independent individuals, and digital nomads.

Residence permit by investment

Main ways to obtain an investor visa:

  • Purchase Real Estate: You can become a resident under these conditions in Turkey, the UAE, Spain, Greece, Hungary, and other regions. In some countries, you are allowed not only to live in your apartments or houses but also to rent them out, providing a stable passive income.
  • Invest in Business: The USA and UAE offer programmes for entrepreneurs who invest money in local projects or create new companies, contributing to the economic development of these countries.
  • Invest in Government Bonds and Funds: Italy, Hungary, and Portugal implement programmes for granting residence permits through investments in government bonds or special funds.
  • Be a Financially Independent Individual or Digital Nomad: Malta, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, and other countries provide such opportunities for foreigners.

Main advantages:

  • Freedom of Movement: Residence permits in EU countries allow visa-free travels within the Schengen area.
  • Safety and Stability: Investors and their families can obtain residency in politically stable and safe countries.
  • High Standard of Living: Regions with quality healthcare, education, and developed infrastructure are available.
  • Tax Benefits: Some countries offer residents full or partial exemption from certain types of taxes.

Temporary and permanent residency by real estate investment

You can buy property and get a residence permit for a specified period. Depending on the country’s laws, the visa may be extended if you remain the property owner or converted into permanent residency.

Under other immigration programmes, you can buy real estate and get permanent residence. This offers a higher status, allowing the foreigner to enjoy all social benefits and potentially get citizenship in the future.

Key benefits of temporary and permanent residence for foreigners who purchase real estate overseas:

  • Diversification of Assets: Protect your capital from economic and political risks in your home country.
  • Comfortable Living: Enjoy a new location as your residence.
  • Rental Income: Earn a passive income by renting out your property.
  • High Return on Investment: Experience high profitability, with some locations offering returns exceeding 10% per annum.
  • Profitable Sale: Benefit from the increased value of your property when selling it.

Citizenship-By.Investments – your legal partner

Citizenship-By.Investments is a reliable company with a professional team dedicated to assisting you in obtaining a residence permit. We offer a full range of services and comprehensive legal support. Our specialists will guide you through the various investment programmes, providing professional assistance at every step, including a preliminary review of your case, selecting the appropriate programme, and preparing the necessary documents for residency. Among our services is assistance in obtaining citizenship by investment and securing passports from the world’s most developed countries

Frequently asked questions about residency

What is a residence permit?

A residence permit is a document that allows temporary residence in a country for a specified period. It is available to entrepreneurs, investors, workers, students, researchers, and other categories of applicants.

What is permanent residency?

Permanent residency is a legal status that generally allows indefinite residence in a country with rights similar to those of citizens.

What are the differences between temporary and permanent residency?

A temporary resident permit allows foreigners to live in a country for a limited period under specific conditions, while a permanent residence permit grants the right to live indefinitely with fewer restrictions.

What are the benefits of a residence permit?

The main benefit is the ability to immigrate to another country that may offer a high standard of living. Depending on the laws of the country, residents may be able to start a business, study, work, and more.

How to choose a country for permanent residency?

It is essential to determine your goals: moving, asset preservation, desire to earn passive income, or starting a business. Our specialists will consult you on all available programmes and help you choose the most suitable option.

What is an investment residence permit?

This is a residence permit granted to foreign citizens in exchange for substantial financial investments in various sectors of the country’s economy.

What are the options for obtaining a residence permit?

The main options include investment in business, real estate purchases, investments in government funds and bonds, digital nomad status, financially independent persons, and other categories.

Which countries offer residence permits for real estate investment?

The UAE, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Andorra, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia, Qatar, Bahrain, the Republic of Mauritius, and other countries offer a visa for foreigners investing in property.

What is the minimum investment amount for a residence permit through real estate?

The cost of a residence permit varies depending on the country. The most affordable option is Georgia, with a threshold of $100,000.

Which residence permit programmes are currently available for US and UK citizens?

The most attractive options for US and UK passport holders include residency visas in Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, and Italy.

Who can be included in a residence permit application?

Generally, a spouse and minor children. There may be restrictions related to the age of the children and their marital status. Sometimes parents can be included.

How long does it take to process a residence permit?

From 2 weeks to a year.

Which countries have the fastest residence permit issuance process?

A residence permit through an investment visa in Turkey and the UAE can generally be processed within 2 weeks to 3 months.

How long is a residence permit valid?

Usually from 1 to 5 years.

How often does a residence permit need to be renewed?

It depends on the country. For example, the UAE Golden Visa is renewed every 5 years.

How to renew a residence permit?

This depends on the legislation of each country. Generally, the duration of the visa can be extended if you meet the conditions under which the document was obtained.

Is it allowed to sell investments after obtaining a residence permit?

Yes, it is allowed if these are returnable investments. Often, if you sell your assets before the visa expires, the document will be annulled.

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