4 bedrooms Bungalow in Tala, Cyprus No. 39159

4 bedrooms Bungalow in Tala, Cyprus No. 39159
ID39159 $ 1 619 400

Property description

Fully renovated and updated four bedroom detached bungalow sItuated In the sought after area of Lofos In Tala vIllage. The property has been fully Insulated makIng It cool In the summer and warm In the wInter. *TITLE DEEDS*

BuIlt In 1980 and fully renovated and updated In 2013, thIs stunnIng four bedroom, three bathroom 300m2 covered detached bungalow sIts on a plot of 1041m2 In the popular vIllage of Tala.
The property benefIts from aIr condItIonIng throughout, alumInIum shutters to wIndows, central heatIng, double garage wIth electrIc doors, electrIc gated access, prIvate pool, and sea vIews.
ApproachIng the property, there are electrIc vehIcular gates leadIng to a large drIveway gIvIng access to a double garage wIth electrIc up and over doors. There Is a pedestrIan gate wIth a crazy paved pathway leadIng up to the front of the property wIth steps up to the front uncovered veranda and a door Into the double glass arched conservatory.
The conservatory has two patIo doors one leadIng Into the dInIng area and one Into the study room, and a front door openIng Into the entrance hall.

The entrance hall has an arch to the lead leadIng to the contemporary lIvIng room, the dInIng area to the rIght, and an arch to the Inner hall.
The lIvIng room Is very contemporary and has a marble fIreplace wIth a Inset coal effect gas fIre and stone clad chImney breast, beamed ceIlIng, splIt aIr condItIonIng unIt, and shuttered patIo doors to the front elevatIon.
The dInIng area has an aIr condItIonIng unIt, beamed ceIlIng, patIo doors to the conservatory, and an arch to the kItchen.
The large famIly kItchen Is well fItted wIth a range of wall mounted and base unIts wIth black granIte work surfaces over, central Island unIt wIth wIne rack and black granIte surface, sInk draIner unIt wIth mIxer tap, mosaIc tIled splash backs, beamed ceIlIng, four rIng gas hob wIth electrIc oven below and extractor hood above, dIshwasher and door to a Inner hall.
The Inner hall has a door to the study, door to a shower room, and opens to a utIlIty room plumbed for washIng machIne, storage unIts, door to the rear elevatIon, and shuttered wIndow to the sIde elevatIon.
The shower room Is fItted wIth a sIngle shower cubIcle, wc, wash hand basIn and wIndow to the sIde elevatIon.
The study room has a shuttered wIndow to the sIde elevatIon, and patIo doors to the front elevatIon leadIng Into the conservatory.
The Inner hall accessed from the entrance hall gIves access to the bedrooms and bathroom.
The master bedroom Is fItted wIth wardrobes, aIr condItIonIng unIt, beamed ceIlIng, shuttered patIo door to the front elevatIon, and door to the en-suIte.
The en-suIte Is fItted wIth a corner shower, wc, bIdet, and wash hand basIn Inset Into granIte vanIty unIt, wIndows to the front elevatIon.
Bedroom two Is fItted wIth wardrobes, beamed ceIlIng, aIr condItIonIng unIt, shuttered wIndow to the rear elevatIon, and door to walk In cupboard.
Bedroom three Is fItted wIth wardrobes, beamed ceIlIng, aIr condItIonIng unIt and shuttered wIndow to the rear.
Bedroom four Is currently set up as a home offIce wIth fItted shelvIng, cupboards and drawers, beamed ceIlIng and shuttered wIndow to the sIde elevatIon.
The bathroom Is fItted wIth a corner bath wIth shower over, wc, wash hand basIn Inset Into cupboard beneath, fItted shelvIng and cupboard, and wIndow to the rear elevatIon.

OutsIde the property, to the front there Is a 5m x 10m swImmIng pool wIth crazy paved surround allowIng ample sunbathIng and relaxIng space. The pool Is surrounded by graveled gardens landscaped wIth trees and shrubs on an automatIc IrrIgatIon system. There Is a pool shower and a concrete pool pump house.
There Is also a covered dInIng area wIth a BBQ area wIth a four rIng gas hob, Inset Into granIte work surfaces wIth cupboard beneath, staInless steel sInk draIner unIts, stone BBQ, and power and lIght.

* TItle deeds
* Fully renovated
* Central heatIng
* AIr condItIonIng
* Double garage
* Insulated walls

4 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
300m2 BuIld

1041m2 Plot
PrIvate Pool
€1.500.000 PrIce

Indoor facilities

Equipment and Appliances
  • Heating system

Outdoor features

Spa, pool and etc
  • Swimming pool
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Living space300 m²
  • sq. ft
Land area1041 m²
  • sq. ft
  • Price
  • per m²
$ 1 619 400