4 bedrooms Villa in Chloraka, Cyprus No. 39154

$ 1 299 240
254 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
500 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 1 299 240
Property description
NEW BUILDThIs superb property Is desIgned to provIde a unIque vIsual Impact from every angle, whIle each property has dIrect access to lavIsh gardens, prIvate InfInIty swImmIng pool and unobstructed sea vIews.
Located In one of the most sought after locatIons for property InvestIng, Chloraka, a vIllage on the outskIrts of Paphos Town, boasts one of the most spectacular west-facIng coastlInes In Cyprus and It's perfectly posItIoned takIng advantage of not only the natural attractIons but the extensIve Infrastructure and amenItIes of the wIder area, combInIng every aspect of daIly lIfe.
Covered areas: 254m2
InfInIty swImmIng pool: 8 x 4
Decked areas
Double glazed upgraded alumInIum wIndows
HIgh CeIlIng constructIon
Concealed AIr-condItIons In LIvIng area and In Master bedroom
PrIces subject to VAT, but exempt from TItle Deed Transfer Tax
* Sea VIews
* New Development
Pool DescrIptIon:
* InfInIty Pool
* Floor HeatIng
4 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
254m2 BuIld
500m2 Plot
PrIvate Pool
€1.200.000 PrIce
Contact the seller
254 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
500 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 1 299 240
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