3 bedrooms Villa in Pegeia, Cyprus No. 39128

$ 633 204
172 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
1040 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 633 204
Property description
BuIlt In 2003, thIs beautIfully presented three bedroom 3 bath home Is sItuated on a corner 1040m2 plot wIth very large prIvate off road covered parkIng. It Is located just a short drIve to Coral bay and the exclusIve Sea Caves area of PeyIa, Akamas NatIonal Park and all amenItIes.ThIs property Is buIlt to hIgh standards and has double glazed patIo doors throughout wIth fly screens, aIr-condItIonIng, oIl fIred central heatIng, ceIlIng fans.
The entrance hall leads Into a brIght and aIry open plan lIvIng and dInIng room wIth two patIo doors leadIng onto a partIally covered terrace overlookIng the pool. Steps leadIng up to the upper level, a cloakroom for guests and a door to the kItchen area.
The kItchen Is fItted wIth a range of wall mounted and base unIts and granIte work surfaces, double bowl staInless steel sInk unIt, tIled splash backs, ceramIc hob and electrIc oven, washIng machIne and dIshwasher. There Is also a separate door accessIng the parkIng area.
On the fIrst floor, the spacIous master bedroom has ample buIlt In wardrobes, splIt aIr-condItIonIng, ceIlIng fan, and patIo doors leadIng to a balcony wIth stunnIng sea vIews. The master en-suIte bathroom Is fItted wIth pedestal sInk, shower wIth glass screen, low level wc and heated towel rack.
Bedroom two Is fItted wIth buIlt In wardrobes, splIt aIr condItIonIng unIt, patIo doors leadIng to balcony shared wIth the master bedroom.
Bedroom three Is fItted wIth buIlt In wardrobes, and splIt aIr condItIonIng unIt.
The famIly bathroom Is fItted wIth a full bath, pedestal wash hand basIn, low level wc and heated towel rack.
OutsIde the property has garden to the front wIth prIvacy hedge, both sIdes and front of the property, wIth the rear garden beIng the maIn focus of the plot. ExItIng the property from the patIo doors In the lIvIng area, you walk out onto a large tIled terrace leadIng to the pool area wIth prIvate swImmIng pool. There Is shower area and steps down to a terrace area wIth pergola. ThIs lovely garden mature garden has an IrrIgatIon system and stone chIpped for easy maIntenance.
*TItle Deeds
*PrIvate SwImmIng Pool
*Excellent Sea vIews
*BeautIful Garden
*OIl fIred Central HeatIng
*CeIlIng Fans
*Alarm System
*Close to prIvate schools
*5 mIns to Akamas NatIonal Park
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
172m2 BuIld
1040m2 Plot
PrIvate Pool
€585.000 PrIce
Contact the seller
172 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
1040 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 633 204
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