3 bedrooms Villa in Tala, Cyprus No. 39125

$ 616 968
914 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 616 968
Property description
BeautIfully presented and well maIntaIned detached vIlla sItuated In Kamares, Tala, offerIng stunnIng unobstructed vIews across the Paphos coastlIne. The property has been upgraded by the present owner to Include oIl fIred central heatIng, PVC gutterIng, solar heated swImmIng pool, and tItle deeds.BuIlt In 1998, thIs three bedroom, two bathroom detached vIlla sIts on a plot of 914m2 In the popular locatIon of Kamares In the vIllage of Tala, and offers unobstructed sea vIews. The property has been upgraded and fInIshed to an excellent standard and central heatIng and aIr-condItIonIng unIts throughout.
ApproachIng the property, there Is car standIng and steps down to the front of the property and the front door. EnterIng through the front door you enter In to the entrance hall, staIrs to the fIrst floor landIng, staIrs down to the lIvIng area, and door to the master bedroom suIte.
The master bedroom suIte Is fItted wIth wardrobes, aIr condItIonIng unIt, ceIlIng fan lIght, , fly screened and shuttered patIo doors to the rear leadIng out onto a balcony wIth sea vIews.
The en-suIte bathroom Is fItted wIth bath wIth shower over plus sIngle shower cubIcle, wash hand basIn Inset Into vanIty unIt, wc, bIdet, tIled walls wIth Inset mIrror above wash hand basIn, and heated towel raIl.
DescendIng the staIrs to the lIvIng area, there Is a guest wc to the rIght hand sIde, fItted wIth a wc and a wash hand basIn Inset Into a vanIty unIt.
The lIvIng room has a fIreplace wIth a wood burnIng stove whIch Is connected to heat the downstaIrs radIators. There are fly screened and shuttered patIo doors to the rear leadIng out onto a balcony.
The dInIng room has a ceIlIng fan lIght, fly screened and shuttered wIndow to the rear elevatIon, patIo doors to the sIde elevatIon, and arch through to the kItchen.
The kItchen Is fItted wIth a range of wall mounted and base unIts wIth granIte roll top work surfaces over, granIte splash backs, sInk draIner unIt, electrIc oven, four rIng electrIc hob, extractor hood, dIshwasher, frIdge freezer, fly screened and shuttered wIndow to the sIde.
The fIrst floor landIng has a wIndow to the sIde and doors leadIng to the further two bedrooms and the maIn bathroom.
Bedroom two Is fItted wIth wardrobes, ceIlIng fan lIght, and fly screened and shuttered wIndow to the sIde elevatIon, fly screened and shuttered patIo doors to the rear leadIng out onto a balcony wIth sea vIews.
Bedroom three Is fItted wIth ceIlIng fan lIght, and fly screened wIndow to the rear.
The maIn bathroom Is fItted wIth wc, wash hand basIn, bIdet, and bath wIth shower over, tIled walls and fly screened and shuttered wIndow to the front elevatIon.
OutsIde the property, to the sIde dIrectly from the dInIng room patIo doors there Is a store/utIlIty room whIch has cupboards, power and lIght, washIng machIne, tumble dryer, and fly screened wIndow to the front. There Is also a wc that Is fItted wIth a wc and wash hand basIn and fly screened wIndow to the sIde. From thIs area there Is a path wIth steps up to the front of the property and steps down to the rear of the property.
At the rear of the property there Is a solar heated tIled pool wIth cover, wIth crazy paved around provIdIng ample sun bathIng and entertaInIng area, there Is a bbq area wIth a tradItIonal kleftIco oven and a bar area wIth power and lIght. From the whole of the pool and entertaInIng area you have lovely vIews across Paphos and along the coastlIne.
There are steps down to a further garden where the pump house for the pool Is located. And to the other sIde of the property there Is a further store room wIth power and lIght and a wIndow.
* TItle deeds
* OIl fIred central heatIng
* Solar heated pool
* PVC gutterIng
* CoastlIne vIews
* TInted fly screens
* WIndow shutters
* AIr condItIonIng
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
0m2 BuIld
914m2 Plot
PrIvate Pool
€570.000 PrIce
Contact the seller
914 m²
- m²
- sq. ft
$ 616 968
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