Residence permit for investment in Ireland

Residence permit for investment in Ireland

How to get an Ireland residence permit for the whole family without language skills and with minimum residency requirements:

  • Required investment:- EUR 500,000 minimum
  • Validity period: Two years

Conditions and requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Ireland

  • Age of majority
  • No criminal record
  • Legally accumulated net worth of  EUR 2 million or more
  • Investment of EUR 500,000 or more in support of the local economy

What documents are required to obtain an Ireland residence permit?

For the initial application, candidates must submit the following documents:

  • Copies of passports of all applicants
  • Copies of birth certificates of dependent children
  • Copies of marriage or divorce certificates
  • Documents proving personal income
  • Documents proving that the applicant has a net worth of at least EUR 2 million
  • Documents verifying the legitimacy of the source of funds
  • Criminal record certificates for all individuals aged 16 and above who have resided in any country for more than six months within the past 10 years
  • Health insurance
  • Receipt for payment of the registration fee

It’s also necessary to attach documents confirming the main applicant’s ability to meet the investment conditions of the programme.

Type of investmentAdditional documents
Companies Enterprise reporting, detailed business plan filled out as per the programme template
Investment Fund Documents on the target investment pool, funding sources and investment strategy from fund managers
Real estate investment trust No additional documents are required
Trust fund Documents with information on how the fund will benefit the state

The process of obtaining a residence permit for Ireland


Applicants interested in how to get a residence permit in Ireland are advised to contact specialists who can analyse all documents and assess the chances of application approval. In some cases, they may be advised to provide additional paperwork or choose a more suitable programme. Additionally, questions such as «Can I work in Ireland with an EU residence permit?» or «Which countries can I visit with an Irish residence permit?» should be double-checked, as conditions may change. 

Preparing and submitting documents

After gathering all the necessary documents, including proof of net worth and proof of good reputation, the applicant must submit their application and pay the processing fee to the immigration office.

If the applicant's profile meets all the programme requirements, they will receive a pre-approval letter from the Independent Evaluation Committee.

Fulfilment of investment conditions

Upon receipt of the letter, the applicant must fulfil the investment conditions within 90 days and submit supporting documentation to the Department of Justice and Equality. At this stage, all programme participants must also provide a private health insurance policy and obtain a new affidavit of good standing from an Irish solicitor.

Issuing of a residence permit

Once the applicant for an Ireland work permit to permanent residence has provided all the necessary documentation and proof of investment, they will receive a 2-year residence permit. This is a Stamp 4 permit that allows them to live, work and study in Ireland. To avoid cancellation, residents must spend at least one day per year in the country.

Residence permit renewal in Ireland

A resident can apply to extend their residence permit for an additional three years, starting three months before it expires. To do so, they must prove that their investments have not been withdrawn and still meet the programme’s requirements and demonstrate ongoing financial stability and good standing. In all subsequent applications, the residency status can be extended for five years.

Investor costs in Ireland

The minimum investment threshold is as follows:

  • EUR 1 million for investors in companies and investment funds
  • EUR 2 million for investors in property funds
  • EUR 500,000 for investors in endowment funds

Additional costs, such as an application fee of EUR 1,500, legal and administrative fees, document translation, health insurance, etc., must also be considered.

Countries whose citizens can apply for an Irish residence permit

Citizens of any country can participate in the economic programme of obtaining Ireland temporary residence permits, including those from Kazakh, Ukrainian, the United States and China. However, at present, no resident permits are being issued to Russians and Belarusians.


What is a residence permit through an investment programme?
It’s a programme that allows foreigners to obtain residency status for two years, renewable, in exchange for government-approved businesses or funds. It was launched to strengthen the Irish economy.
How much does a residence permit in Ireland cost?
The investment amount starts from EUR 500,000.
What types of investments qualify for a residence permit in Ireland?
To qualify for the programme, a foreigner can invest an amount set by the government in a company, real estate fund, investment fund or trust fund located in Ireland.
What is the minimum investment required to qualify for the programme?
The minimum threshold is EUR 500,000.
What are the benefits of participating in a residence card programme in Ireland?

The main benefits of a Stamp 4 Resident Card include:

  • The right to residence, employment and education
  • The ability to include relatives (spouse, minor children and financially dependent unmarried children under the age of 24) in the application
  • Minimal requirements for physical presence in the country to maintain the residence permit
  • Eligibility to apply for citizenship after five years of residency with resident status;
  • Fast processing
Ireland: how to get a residence permit through investment?
The application can be submitted to the immigration office once all required documents have been collected and prepared. The participant must fulfil the programme’s conditions within 90 days of receiving the pre-approval letter.
What are the specifics to consider when applying?
The application must be submitted during official admission periods. These windows typically last about five days and open 4-5 times during the year.