Jordan citizenship by investment

Obtain a Jordanian Golden Passport for free travel to more than 50 countries, unlimited stay in the kingdom, and portfolio diversification
The minimum investment threshold
Processing time
up to 3 months

Citizenship for investment program in Jordan

The Kingdom, located in the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula, which plays an active role in the UN and is a member of the World Trade Organization, remains one of the few politically stable territories in the Middle East. As such, it attracts wealthy citizens from neighboring states who want to apply for a second passport.

Previously, foreigners could obtain Jordanian residency for investments in its economy from $1.5 million. However, in September 2021, the government lowered the minimum investment threshold to $750,000 to attract more investors and entrepreneurs. The migration service issues 500 passports each year.

The entire family of the principal applicant can request citizenship, including his or her spouse, unmarried, widowed, or divorced daughters, minor sons, and dependent parents.

The state has no special unit or official website for issuing passports in exchange for investments, so applicants should carefully check sources of information about the application process, the list of required documentation, the conditions for participation in the program, and other nuances.

Citizenship by Investment Jordan: Conditions and requirements

Establishment of an investment project with 10 jobs with a capital of at least $750,000 in any part of the country except Amman

Establishment of an investment project with 10 jobs with a capital of at least $750,000 in any part of the country except Amman

Opening an interest-free deposit at the Central Bank for an amount of $1 million or more

Purchase of government bonds worth at least $1 million dollars

Purchase of shares and/or units of local companies worth at least $1.5 million

Residency in the kingdom for one month prior to applying

Minimum holding period for government bonds after obtaining a passport is 6 years

Minimum holding period for other assets is 3 years

Visa-free travel with countries

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

What documents are required to obtain Jordanian citizenship

The standard list of documents includes:

  • A valid passport of the applicant's country;
  • A copy of the birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Certificate of absence of criminal record;
  • Proof of source of funds (bank statements, income tax returns, or business documents);
  • Investment documents;
  • Bank statements;
  • Passport-sized photographs;
  • Completed application forms;
  • Receipts for payment of fees;
  • Power of attorney (if the applicant uses the services of a representative or agent to assist with processing).

The process of obtaining Jordanian citizenship

Document preparation

The first step is to collect all official identification and financial proof papers and completed application forms. Investment documents, receipts for fees, and passport size photos should also be prepared.

Fulfillment of investment conditions

After selecting the preferred assets, the applicant fulfills the conditions of the program. He can create a business project, open a bank deposit, and buy government bonds, shares, and/or units.

Submission of citizenship documents

Next, the applicant must send the collected documentation to the government committee and pay all required fees in the manner prescribed by the Social Security Corporation.

Investor Application Review

After submitting the application, the only thing left to do is to wait for approval from the government body and obtain citizenship in Jordan.

Visa-free entry to 50+ countries with Jordanian passport

After obtaining citizenship by investment in Jordan, foreigners will be able to visit more than 50 countries on a visa-free basis or with the option of a visa on arrival/eTA (electronic travel authorization).

The passport opens visa-free access to:

  • Turkey;
  • Dominica;
  • Egypt;
  • Malaysia;
  • Seychelles.

Investor costs in Jordan are from $750,000 upwards

Passport costs can start from $750,000, $1 million, or $1.5 million depending on the investment asset the program participant chooses. They will be accompanied by a fee for a lawyer to take care of consultation, document preparation and filing, as well as administrative fees for processing applications, background checks, and other services related to the citizenship process. Fees for translation of documents and notary services must also be considered.

Countries whose citizens can obtain citizenship in Jordan

Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Canada, and the UK can obtain a passport in the kingdom. The list of eligible nationalities is long. There are also states with limited access. These include Afghanistan, Sudan, and Libya. The full list can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Interior.

Popular Questions

What is Jordan's investment citizenship program?

It is a program enshrined in law where foreigners can obtain citizenship in exchange for investing in the kingdom's economy.

What are the Jordan citizenship benefits?

The main advantages of the state's economic passport are:

  • Authorization to enter more than 50 countries under a visa-free scheme or with the option of an e-visa/visa on arrival;
  • The right to unlimited stay on the territory of the kingdom;
  • The possibility of granting citizenship to close relatives, including spouse, children, and parents.
What types of investments are suitable for citizenship in Jordan?

Several types of investments allow you to participate in Jordan's investment program. How to obtain citizenship in the kingdom:

  • Create an investment project;
  • Open an interest-free deposit;
  • Purchase government bonds;
  • Purchase shares and/or units of local companies.
How to get Jordan citizenship through real estate investments?

The local legislation does not provide for the issuance of a golden passport in exchange for the purchase of real estate, but such investments can become the basis for registration of residence permit. To obtain residency status for 5 years, foreigners must purchase a property worth $282,000 or more.

The Department of Lands and Surveys of the Kingdom must inspect the property and confirm that its price corresponds to the market price. A property purchased under the program cannot be resold, demolished, or mortgaged until the residence permit expires.

How long does it take to obtain Jordanian citizenship through investment?

The passport application process takes no more than 3 months.

How much does it cost to get a citizenship in Jordan?

The costs associated with obtaining a passport depend on the asset chosen for investment and the number of applicants. They can start at $750,000, $1 million, or $1.5 million. On top of these amounts, the cost of registration will include taxes, administrative fees, legal and notary fees, etc.

Can I obtain Jordanian citizenship by investing in a business in the country?

Yes, one of the investment options available to participate in the program is to establish a project in the manufacturing sector of the state's economy. Depending on the location chosen, the minimum investment threshold may be $750,000 or $1 million, and the number of jobs available for Jordanians may be 10 or 20.

What tax incentives are available for Jordanian nationals?

According to local law, if a foreigner resides in the kingdom for more than 183 days annually, he or she becomes a tax resident. Income tax for individuals varies between 5-30% depending on the amount of income, and income tax for legal entities is 20% (in some cases it can go up to 24% or 35%).

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